Brognon Rollin
At the "Terra Sancta" Franciscan school, which abuts the wall of the Old City, a football pitch is placed in an asymmetric space which makes it impossible for the goals to face each other, thus giving an advantage to one of the teams. This requires pupils to reach a new geometric compromise in order to play fairly.
The Agreement
Curator: Dr. Shir Aloni Yaari
Artists: Brognon Rollin
The Agreement
Curator: Dr. Shir Aloni Yaari
Artists: Brognon Rollin
At the "Terra Sancta" Franciscan school, which abuts the wall of the Old City, a football pitch is placed in an asymmetric space which makes it impossible for the goals to face each other, thus giving an advantage to one of the teams. This requires pupils to reach a new geometric compromise in order to play fairly.
In Jerusalem, a palimpsest of a city that is constantly being rebuilt on itself, the Franciscan school "Terra Sancta" abuts the wall of the Old City. In the playground, a football pitch is adapted to this twisted cadastre, betraying the rules of perspective and symmetry. In this irregular space, it is impossible for the goals to face each other, and the approximate position of the centre circle shortens the pitch to one team’s advantage. "The Agreement" is a new geometrical compromise between the pupils in their efforts to establish the exact centre point of the pitch. To measure and trace it; and to start playing fairly.
The artists David Brognon (*1978, Belgium) and Stéphanie Rollin (*1980, Luxembourg) have been working together since 2006. The duo's diverse practice, encompassing sculpture, installation, photography, video, and sound works, is marked by evocative allusions and acute attentiveness to marginal, "micro"-narratives and the poetics of everyday life, through which the burdens of history and socio-political realities transpire. Collaborating with local, often disenfranchised, communities and individuals around the globe, including in Jerusalem, which has inspired several of their recent projects, Brognon and Rollin’s lyrical-critical minimalism places the human experience at the centre, while exploring, in highly specific yet universal terms, the social settings, contexts and constraints that shape it.